Shops from Geneticist Uria
3582 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCrew Loots
 | x1 | Wand of Occult | 50,000z |
 | x1 | Haedonggum [2] | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Helm [1] | 100,000z |
 | x1 | Jamadhar [1] | 150,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 299,998z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 299,998z |
 | x1 | Fireblend | 199,998z |
 | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 499,888z |
 | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 90,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 299,888z |
Link to this shop.

3583 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCrew Loots
 | x1 | Huuma Thunderstorm | 60,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 500,000z |
 | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 200,000z |
 | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 120,000z |
 | x1 | Fireblend | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 500,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 500,000z |
 | x1 | Jamadhar [1] | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Dea Staff [1] | 1,500,000z | 0z |
 | x1 | Helm [1] | 100,000z |
 | x1 | Haedonggum [2] | 500,000z |
 | x1 | Wand of Occult | 50,000z |
Link to this shop.

3601 days ago - Prontera
75, 199 - Yo'll love this
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Tablet [1] | 100,000z |
 | x1 | Haedonggum [2] | 1,988,888z |
 | x1 | Jamadhar [1] | 600,000z |
Link to this shop.

3601 days ago - Prontera
75, 199 - Yo'll love this
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Tablet [1] | 100,000z |
 | x1 | Haedonggum [2] | 1,988,888z |
 | x1 | Jamadhar [1] | 600,000z |
Link to this shop.

3601 days ago - Prontera
75, 199 - Yo'll love this
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Spaulders | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 900,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Greaves | 300,000z |
 | x1 | Goibne's Helm | 400,000z |
 | x1 | Tablet [1] | 100,000z |
 | x1 | Haedonggum [2] | 1,988,888z |
 | x1 | Jamadhar [1] | 600,000z |
Link to this shop.

3619 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3619 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots

3620 days ago - Prontera
75, 201 - NightmareCre Loots