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Shops from Nuzlocke.
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4709 days ago - Prontera 149, 167 - B>Ogre Tooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x2Wraith Card190,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4709 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogre Tooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x2Wraith Card190,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4709 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogre Tooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x2Wraith Card190,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
x1Hode Card50,000z
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4709 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogretooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x2Wraith Card190,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4709 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogretooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Phen Card11,300,000z
x2Wraith Card190,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4709 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogretooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Phen Card11,300,000z
x2Wraith Card1,850,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
x1Hode Card50,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogretooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z0z
x2Wraith Card1,850,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>Ogretooth *HO drop*
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card1,850,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
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4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,400,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card1,850,000z
x1Gargoyle Card90,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card200,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card200,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card200,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,000,000z
x2Phen Card11,300,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x2Wraith Card200,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,500,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]15,750,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]15,750,000z
x2Phen Card11,600,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x1Evil Druid Card5,000,000z
x30Old Blue Box77,000z
x26Mystic Frozen24,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]15,975,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]15,975,000z
x2Phen Card11,700,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x31Old Blue Box77,000z
x26Mystic Frozen24,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x2Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card2,990,000z
x31Old Blue Box80,000z
x26Mystic Frozen26,000z
Link to this shop.

4710 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Kukre Card880,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x1Argos Card28,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Kukre Card1,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x1Argos Card28,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Kukre Card1,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x2Boa Card35,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B> Grimtooth and Masamune
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x2Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Kukre Card1,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x2Boa Card35,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>BradiumBrooch of Counter
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x3Pasana Card19,700,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]17,000,000z
x1Phen Card11,840,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card3,000,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Kukre Card1,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x2Boa Card35,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>BradiumBrooch of Counter
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x3Pasana Card20,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Phen Card11,900,000z
x1Marine Sphere Card2,990,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Kukre Card1,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x1Spore Card15,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>BradiumBrooch of Counter
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Mimic Card4,000,000z0z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x1Boa Card35,000z
x1Argos Card28,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
Link to this shop.

4711 days ago - Prontera 168, 123 - B>BradiumBrooch of Counter
x1+4 Arta's Virgo Diadem [1]18,000,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Carga Mace [2]16,900,000z
x1Anolian Card2,800,000z
x1Mimic Card4,000,000z
x1Obeaune Card40,000z
x1Boa Card35,000z
x1Argos Card28,000z
x1Gargoyle Card110,000z
x43Petite's Tail14,000z
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