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2511 days ago - Prontera 111, 86 - lost and found in ET
2516 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2516 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2516 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2516 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Valkyrian Manteau [1]500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Valkyrian Armor [1]21,000,000z
x1Valkyrian Armor [1]21,000,000z
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2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2517 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Saber [3]500,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z0z
x1Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Goblin Leader Mask500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
x1Valkyrian Armor [1]22,000,000z
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2522 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z0z
x1Safety Ring500,000z0z
x1Ring [1]500,000z0z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z0z
x1Composite Bow [4]500,000z
x1Arbalest Bow [2]500,000z
x1Assassin Mask500,000z
x1Double Bound [3]500,000z
x1Saber [3]500,000z
x1Crimson Staff [2]500,000z
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2523 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Ring [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
x1Composite Bow [4]500,000z
x1Arbalest Bow [2]500,000z
x1Assassin Mask500,000z
x1Double Bound [3]500,000z
x1Saber [3]500,000z
x1Crimson Staff [2]500,000z
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2523 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Dragon Breath [1]500,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z0z
x1Clip [1]500,000z0z
x1Clip [1]500,000z0z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z0z
x1Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Apple of Archer500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Variant Shoes500,000z
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2524 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Dragon Breath [1]500,000z0z
x1Valkyrian Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
x1Muffler [1]500,000z
x1Shoes [1]500,000z
x1Apple of Archer500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Variant Shoes500,000z
x1Valkyrja's Shield [1]24,000,000z
Link to this shop.

2524 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2525 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2530 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Composite Bow [4]500,000z0z
x1Holy Robe900,000z
x1Hunting Spear [1]500,000z
x1Erde [2]3,000,000z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]24,000,000z
x1Ring [1]500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
Link to this shop.

2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Composite Bow [4]500,000z
x1Holy Robe900,000z
x1Hunting Spear [1]500,000z
x1Erde [2]3,000,000z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]24,000,000z
x1Ruber [1]2,500,000z
x1Ring [1]500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
Link to this shop.

2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
x1Composite Bow [4]500,000z
x1Holy Robe900,000z
x1Hunting Spear [1]500,000z
x1Erde [2]3,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]1,200,000z
x1Twin Edge of Naght Sieger [3]24,000,000z
x1Ruber [1]2,500,000z
x1Ring [1]500,000z
x1Safety Ring500,000z
x1Clip [1]500,000z
x1Spiritual Ring500,000z
Link to this shop.

2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
2531 days ago - Prontera 111, 90 - lost and found in ET
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