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3669 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo plate armor VIT+2
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]19,000,000z0z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,900,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Creamy Card4,000,000z0z
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3671 days ago - Prontera 115, 49 - Reset, Clip
x4Magical Stone5,100,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card4,000,000z0z
x1Raydric Card30,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Whisper Card15,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]18,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
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3674 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo VIT+2
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Whisper Card14,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]20,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Robo Eye36,000,000z0z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo plate VIT+2
x7Magical Stone5,000,000z0z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x1Whisper Card14,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Robo Eye38,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z0z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
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3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo armor vit+2
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Whisper Card14,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Robo Eye38,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]98,000,000z
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3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo armor VIT+2
x1Magical Stone5,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Whisper Card14,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Bloody Branch13,000,000z0z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]96,000,000z0z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, clip, meteo plate armor VIT+2
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Whisper Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Bloody Branch13,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]96,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z
x1Bloody Branch13,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z0z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Whisper Card12,000,000z0z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x1Raydric Card26,000,000z0z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Stone of Sage2,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo plate VIT+2
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Raydric Card26,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Bloody Branch13,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x2Stone of Sage2,000,000z
x1Whisper Card12,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo VIT+2 armor
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z
x2Stone of Sage2,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Raydric Card26,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Bloody Branch13,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3675 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Meteo plate armor VIT+2, Phen, Ygg s
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card2,500,000z0z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z0z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z0z
x1Creamy Card4,000,000z0z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Snake Head [1]48,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3676 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo VIT+2
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell10,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3676 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo VIT+2
x1Sidewinder Card2,000,000z0z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z0z
x1Easter Egg Shell10,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3676 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo VIT+2
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z0z
x1Sidewinder Card2,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Variant Shoes6,000,000z0z
x1Easter Egg Shell10,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3677 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo armor VIT+2
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card2,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x2Bloody Branch12,800,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Pirate Dagger32,000,000z
x1Zerom Card9,000,000z0z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z
x1Variant Shoes6,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3677 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo INT+2
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1+7 Elven Bow [1]16,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Easter Egg Shell9,000,000z
x1Pirate Dagger32,000,000z
x2Bloody Branch13,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card3,000,000z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]4,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3677 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, meteo plate INT+2
x1Clip [1]800,000z0z
x1Pecopeco Hairband14,000,000z0z
x1Pirate Dagger32,000,000z0z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]6,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z0z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z0z
x1Phen Card12,000,000z0z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z0z
x1+7 Elven Bow [1]17,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3677 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Clip, Meteo plate INT+2
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Pecopeco Hairband14,000,000z
x1Pirate Dagger32,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x1Phen Card12,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Creamy Card3,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
Link to this shop.

3678 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Cards, Clip, Ygg seed
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x2Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Raydric Card18,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x2Creamy Card3,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Pecopeco Hairband12,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Pirate Dagger32,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
Link to this shop.

3678 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Clip, Meteo plate INT+2
x4Magical Stone5,200,000z0z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x1Raydric Card18,000,000z
x1Zerom Card11,000,000z0z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x2Bloody Branch12,000,000z0z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Crown of Deceit [1]37,000,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]6,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z0z
Link to this shop.

3678 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Meteo plate INT+2
x2Magical Stone5,300,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z0z
x1Whisper Card10,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x2Bloody Branch12,000,000z
x1Crown of Deceit [1]37,000,000z
x1+4 Wise Rideword Hat [1]37,000,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z0z
Link to this shop.

3678 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Meteo plate INT+2
x2Magical Stone5,300,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x1Whisper Card10,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x2Bloody Branch12,000,000z
x1Crown of Deceit [1]37,000,000z
x1+4 Wise Rideword Hat [1]38,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3679 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Meteo Int+2
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z0z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Clip [1]800,000z
x1Pirate Dagger30,000,000z0z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x2Bloody Branch12,000,000z
x1+4 Wise Rideword Hat [1]38,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
x1Airship Captain's Hat [1]22,000,000z
x1Orleans's Gown [1]12,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3679 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Meteo Int+2
x2Magical Stone5,000,000z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z
x1Orc Warrior Card1,000,000z0z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z
x1Raydric Card17,000,000z0z
x3Bloody Branch12,000,000z
x1Pirate Dagger30,000,000z0z
x1+4 Orleans's Gown of Wild Cat [1]15,000,000z0z
x1Robo Eye36,000,000z0z
x1+4 Wise Rideword Hat [1]40,000,000z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]8,000,000z
Link to this shop.

3679 days ago - Prontera 112, 49 - Reset, Robo eye, HBP
x4Magical Stone5,200,000z0z
x1Archer Skeleton Card11,000,000z0z
x1Sidewinder Card1,800,000z0z
x1Phen Card14,000,000z
x1Whisper Card10,000,000z
x70Yggdrasil Seed100,000z
x1Variant Shoes6,000,000z0z
x1Crown of Deceit [1]39,000,000z
x1+4 Orleans's Gown of Wild Cat [1]15,000,000z
x1Robo Eye36,000,000z0z
x1Heroic Backpack [1]99,900,000z0z
x1Meteo Plate Armor [1]3,000,000z0z
Link to this shop.

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