Shops from Weslly Rodrigues
1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ![](/images/down.png)
3426 days ago - Prontera
156, 33 - Here =3
![](/images/7142.gif) | x56 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z | 0z |
![](/images/6256.png) | x46 | Ice Piece | 60,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x4 | Baphomet Doll | 350,000z |
![](/images/989.gif) | x1 | Emperium Anvil | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 250,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2440.png) | x1 | Sprint Shoes [1] | 250,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 250,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 450,000z |
![](/images/2387.png) | x1 | Sprint Mail [1] | 250,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2516.gif) | x1 | Falcon Muffler | 250,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.
3427 days ago - Prontera
156, 36 - Loveless =3
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x4 | Baphomet Doll | 350,000z |
![](/images/6256.png) | x46 | Ice Piece | 60,000z |
![](/images/7142.gif) | x65 | Embryo | 165,000z |
![](/images/989.gif) | x1 | Emperium Anvil | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 200,000z |
![](/images/2270.gif) | x1 | Romantic Leaf | 120,000z |
![](/images/2516.gif) | x1 | Falcon Muffler | 200,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2440.png) | x1 | Sprint Shoes [1] | 350,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 200,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 100,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 450,000z |
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3428 days ago - Prontera
155, 34 - Loveless
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/7142.gif) | x65 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/2853.png) | x1 | Telekinetic Orb | 25,000z |
![](/images/2387.png) | x1 | Sprint Mail [1] | 350,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 350,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 40,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 120,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
![](/images/2440.png) | x1 | Sprint Shoes [1] | 250,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 200,000z |
![](/images/2516.gif) | x1 | Falcon Muffler | 200,000z |
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3428 days ago - Prontera
155, 34 - Loveless =3
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/7142.gif) | x65 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/2853.png) | x1 | Telekinetic Orb | 25,000z |
![](/images/2387.png) | x1 | Sprint Mail [1] | 350,000z |
![](/images/2399.png) | x1 | Dragon Vest [1] | 120,000z | 0z |
![](/images/5002.gif) | x1 | Jewel Crown | 120,000z | 0z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,000,000z |
![](/images/2239.gif) | x1 | Monocle | 30,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 400,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 40,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 120,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
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3428 days ago - Prontera
156, 35 - Here =|
![](/images/7142.gif) | x66 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 450,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 40,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 120,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
![](/images/2239.gif) | x1 | Monocle | 30,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/5002.gif) | x1 | Jewel Crown | 120,000z |
![](/images/2399.png) | x1 | Dragon Vest [1] | 120,000z |
![](/images/2387.png) | x1 | Sprint Mail [1] | 350,000z |
![](/images/2853.png) | x1 | Telekinetic Orb | 25,000z |
Link to this shop.
3428 days ago - Prontera
156, 35 - Here =3
![](/images/7142.gif) | x66 | Embryo | 200,000z |
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 450,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 40,000z |
![](/images/5046.gif) | x1 | Bongun Hat | 450,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2408.gif) | x1 | Shackles | 500,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2854.png) | x1 | Alchemy Glove [1] | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 120,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 120,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2239.gif) | x1 | Monocle | 20,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
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3428 days ago - Prontera
156, 35 - Here =3
![](/images/7142.gif) | x66 | Embryo | 200,000z |
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,000,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 40,000z |
![](/images/2239.gif) | x1 | Monocle | 20,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 120,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
![](/images/2408.gif) | x1 | Shackles | 750,000z |
![](/images/2854.png) | x1 | Alchemy Glove [1] | 80,000z |
![](/images/2288.gif) | x1 | Mr. Scream | 120,000z |
![](/images/5046.gif) | x1 | Bongun Hat | 400,000z |
![](/images/2246.gif) | x1 | Golden Gear | 450,000z |
Link to this shop.
3428 days ago - Prontera
155, 35 - Here =]
![](/images/12329.png) | x22 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 250,000z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 100,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2207.gif) | x1 | Fancy Flower | 5,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 40,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 150,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 300,000z |
![](/images/13304.gif) | x1 | Huuma Calm Mind [2] | 100,000z | 0z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2206.gif) | x1 | Wedding Veil | 45,000z |
![](/images/2239.gif) | x1 | Monocle | 35,000z |
![](/images/5172.gif) | x1 | Beret | 150,000z | 0z |
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3429 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - Here =]
![](/images/12329.png) | x25 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 250,000z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 150,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 150,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2207.gif) | x1 | Fancy Flower | 5,000z |
![](/images/2508.gif) | x1 | Ragamuffin Manteau | 70,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 50,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 200,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 350,000z |
![](/images/13304.gif) | x1 | Huuma Calm Mind [2] | 100,000z |
![](/images/2265.gif) | x1 | Gangster Mask | 250,000z | 0z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
Link to this shop.
3429 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - Here =3
![](/images/12329.png) | x25 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/7142.gif) | x10 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 250,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 150,000z |
![](/images/2205.gif) | x1 | Diver Goggles | 30,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2207.gif) | x1 | Fancy Flower | 5,000z |
![](/images/2508.gif) | x1 | Ragamuffin Manteau | 75,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 50,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 200,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 350,000z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 150,000z |
![](/images/13304.gif) | x1 | Huuma Calm Mind [2] | 150,000z |
Link to this shop.
3429 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - HEEERE <3
![](/images/12329.png) | x25 | Male Support Game Master | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/7142.gif) | x10 | Embryo | 150,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 300,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 150,000z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 100,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2205.gif) | x1 | Diver Goggles | 25,000z |
![](/images/2207.gif) | x1 | Fancy Flower | 5,000z |
![](/images/2508.gif) | x1 | Ragamuffin Manteau | 76,000z |
![](/images/5037.gif) | x1 | Nut Shell | 5,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 50,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 250,000z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 350,000z |
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3429 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - HEEEERE=D
![](/images/7142.gif) | x10 | Embryo | 140,000z |
![](/images/12329.png) | x1 | Male Support Game Master | 1,200,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 300,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 250,000z |
![](/images/1818.gif) | x1 | Magma Fist [3] | 250,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 150,000z |
![](/images/2205.gif) | x1 | Diver Goggles | 30,000z |
![](/images/2207.gif) | x1 | Fancy Flower | 5,000z |
![](/images/2508.gif) | x1 | Ragamuffin Manteau | 75,000z |
![](/images/5037.gif) | x1 | Nut Shell | 5,000z |
![](/images/2613.gif) | x1 | Diamond Ring | 50,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 150,000z |
Link to this shop.
3437 days ago - Prontera
160, 40 - Here
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1301.gif) | x1 | Axe [4] | 10,000z |
![](/images/1207.gif) | x1 | Main Gauche [4] | 600,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 40,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 30,000z |
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3437 days ago - Prontera
160, 40 - Orc Shop =3
![](/images/1207.gif) | x1 | Main Gauche [4] | 600,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 35,000z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 35,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1301.gif) | x1 | Axe [4] | 35,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 35,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 35,000z |
![](/images/1304.gif) | x1 | Orcish Axe | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1304.gif) | x1 | Orcish Axe | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 35,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 35,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 35,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 50,000z |
Link to this shop.
3437 days ago - Prontera
160, 40 - Orc Shop =}
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1301.gif) | x1 | Axe [4] | 10,000z |
![](/images/1304.gif) | x1 | Orcish Axe | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1304.gif) | x1 | Orcish Axe | 80,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2299.gif) | x1 | Orc Helm | 100,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1351.gif) | x1 | Battle Axe [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1304.gif) | x1 | Orcish Axe | 80,000z | 0z |
Link to this shop.
3447 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here
![](/images/13404.gif) | x1 | Platinum Shotel [1] | 100,000z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 12,300z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1615.gif) | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 150,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 20,000z |
![](/images/2505.gif) | x1 | Manteau [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 300,000z |
![](/images/2648.gif) | x1 | Morpheus's Ring | 500,000z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 80,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 100,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
Link to this shop.
3447 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =3
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 100,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 12,300z |
![](/images/2648.gif) | x1 | Morpheus's Ring | 500,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 60,000z |
![](/images/1615.gif) | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 150,000z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 90,000z |
![](/images/2505.gif) | x1 | Manteau [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 30,000z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 300,000z |
![](/images/13404.gif) | x1 | Platinum Shotel [1] | 100,000z |
Link to this shop.
3447 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =]
![](/images/13404.gif) | x1 | Platinum Shotel [1] | 100,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 100,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 12,300z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/2648.gif) | x1 | Morpheus's Ring | 500,000z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 300,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1615.gif) | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 200,000z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 100,000z |
![](/images/2505.gif) | x1 | Manteau [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 30,000z |
Link to this shop.
3448 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =3
![](/images/2505.gif) | x1 | Manteau [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/1615.gif) | x1 | Evil Bone Wand | 200,000z |
![](/images/13404.gif) | x1 | Platinum Shotel [1] | 110,000z |
![](/images/2354.gif) | x1 | Goibne's Armor | 450,000z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 100,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 12,200z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/2648.gif) | x1 | Morpheus's Ring | 450,000z |
![](/images/1421.gif) | x1 | Battle Hook [1] | 30,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 300,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 60,000z |
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3448 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =3
![](/images/2320.gif) | x1 | Formal Suit [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 15,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 90,000z |
![](/images/2208.gif) | x1 | Ribbon [1] | 20,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 270,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 60,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2418.gif) | x1 | Vidar's Boots | 200,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 360,000z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 12,700z |
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 120,000z |
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3448 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =]
![](/images/5116.gif) | x1 | Banana Hat | 100,000z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1216.gif) | x1 | Stiletto [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/2677.gif) | x1 | Spiritual Ring | 200,000z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 90,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 20,000z |
![](/images/2320.gif) | x1 | Formal Suit [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/2208.gif) | x1 | Ribbon [1] | 20,000z |
![](/images/1204.gif) | x1 | Cutter [4] | 100,000z |
![](/images/5003.gif) | x1 | Joker Jester | 2,500,000z |
![](/images/2418.gif) | x1 | Vidar's Boots | 200,000z |
![](/images/2407.gif) | x1 | Crystal Pumps | 300,000z |
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3448 days ago - Prontera
155, 33 - Here =V
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 70,000z |
![](/images/1818.gif) | x1 | Magma Fist [3] | 70,000z |
![](/images/2618.gif) | x1 | Matyr's Leash | 200,000z |
![](/images/2103.gif) | x1 | Buckler | 10,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2405.gif) | x1 | Boots | 12,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 150,000z |
![](/images/1151.gif) | x1 | Slayer [2] | 40,000z |
![](/images/1454.gif) | x1 | Glaive [2] | 20,000z |
![](/images/2408.gif) | x1 | Shackles | 700,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2289.gif) | x1 | Poo Poo Hat | 50,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1268.gif) | x1 | Wild Beast Claw [1] | 300,000z |
![](/images/2355.gif) | x1 | Angelic Protection [1] | 200,000z | 0z |
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3449 days ago - Prontera
155, 35 - Here =3
![](/images/2608.gif) | x1 | Rosary | 20,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1360.gif) | x1 | Two-handed Axe [2] | 1,500,000z |
![](/images/1454.gif) | x1 | Glaive [2] | 20,000z |
![](/images/1809.gif) | x1 | Claw [2] | 90,000z |
![](/images/2408.gif) | x1 | Shackles | 700,000z |
![](/images/1825.png) | x1 | Horn of Hillslion [3] | 150,000z |
![](/images/2216.gif) | x1 | Biretta [1] | 50,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1820.gif) | x1 | Electric Fist [3] | 90,000z |
![](/images/1404.gif) | x1 | Spear [4] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1219.gif) | x1 | Gladius [2] | 50,000z | 0z |
![](/images/2618.gif) | x1 | Matyr's Leash | 150,000z |
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3449 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - Here =]
![](/images/2205.gif) | x1 | Diver Goggles | 45,000z |
![](/images/1113.png) | x1 | Scimiter [2] | 45,000z |
![](/images/1151.gif) | x1 | Slayer [2] | 45,000z |
![](/images/2608.gif) | x1 | Rosary | 20,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 90,000z |
![](/images/2148.png) | x1 | Rosa Shield [1] | 200,000z |
![](/images/1556.gif) | x1 | Book of Gust of Wind | 90,000z | 0z |
![](/images/5002.gif) | x1 | Jewel Crown | 130,000z | 0z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 250,000z |
![](/images/2230.gif) | x1 | Gemmed Sallet | 300,000z |
![](/images/13405.gif) | x1 | Curved Sword [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1357.gif) | x1 | Buster [2] | 50,000z | 0z |
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3449 days ago - Prontera
154, 36 - Here
![](/images/2205.gif) | x1 | Diver Goggles | 50,000z |
![](/images/1113.png) | x1 | Scimiter [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/1151.gif) | x1 | Slayer [2] | 50,000z |
![](/images/2608.gif) | x1 | Rosary | 20,000z |
![](/images/1551.gif) | x1 | Bible [2] | 70,000z |
![](/images/2148.png) | x1 | Rosa Shield [1] | 170,000z |
![](/images/2269.gif) | x1 | Romantic Flower | 2,500,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1825.png) | x1 | Horn of Hillslion [3] | 90,000z | 0z |
![](/images/1556.gif) | x1 | Book of Gust of Wind | 80,000z |
![](/images/5002.gif) | x1 | Jewel Crown | 130,000z |
![](/images/7562.gif) | x1 | Ice Scale | 2,500,000z | 0z |
![](/images/750.gif) | x5 | Baphomet Doll | 250,000z |
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