Old Parasol
Old Parasol
A very old and worn-out parasol. No one knows how old it is, but you can feel magic eminating from it. Type: Weapon
Class: One-Handed Sword
Attack: 120
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 80
Required Job: Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Thief Jobs
MATK + 80 Enables Level 10 Soul Strike. MATK + X per upgrade level of the item.
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By Item Name - http://ragnastats.com/item/Old Parasol
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/13442
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=96957
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/13442
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=96957